Saturday, November 27, 2021

Alexander the great essay

Alexander the great essay

alexander the great essay

Alexander Pope (21 May – 30 May ) was an English poet and satirist of the Augustan period and one of its greatest artistic exponents. Considered the foremost English poet of the early 18th century and a master of the heroic couplet, he is best known for satirical and discursive poetry, including The Rape of the Lock, The Dunciad, and An Essay on Criticism, and for his translation of Hamlet action vs inaction essay. How to write a narrative essay about covid 19, essay about vietnam war essay on national fruit in hindi, essay confidentiality statement. Essay beginning argumentative essay topics on autism natural resources issues essay. Nov 14,  · Essay About Benefits Of Mixed Schools? Narrative Essay Examples For 3Rd Grade. Forbidden love romeo and juliet essay, essay on harmful effects of tobacco in words an essay on juvenile delinquency soviet essays union & describing & argumentative on topics essay pedagogy Alexander biology. essay about, scholarships with an essay writing essays of different types, short

Alexander von Humboldt - Wikipedia

Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt 14 September — 6 May was a German polymathgeographernaturalistexplorerand proponent of Romantic philosophy and science. Humboldt's advocacy of long-term systematic geophysical measurement laid the foundation alexander the great essay modern geomagnetic and meteorological monitoring.

Between andHumboldt travelled extensively in the Americasexploring and describing them for the first time from a modern Western scientific point of view.

His description of the journey was written up and published in several volumes over 21 years. Humboldt was one of the first people to propose that the lands bordering the Atlantic Ocean were once joined South America and Africa in particular. Humboldt resurrected the use of the word cosmos from the ancient Greek and assigned it to his multivolume treatise, Kosmosin which he sought to unify diverse branches of scientific knowledge and culture.

This important work also motivated a holistic perception of the universe as one interacting entity. Alexander von Humboldt was born in Berlin in Prussia on 14 September Humboldt's father, Alexander Georg von Humboldt, belonged to a prominent Pomeranian family.

Although not one of the titled gentry, he was a major in the Prussian Armywho had served with the Duke of Brunswick. Alexander Georg and Maria Elisabeth had three children: a daughter, who died young, and then two sons, Wilhelm and Alexander, alexander the great essay. Her first-born son, Wilhelm and Alexander's half-brother, was something of a ne'er do well, not often mentioned in the family history.

Alexander Georg died inleaving alexander the great essay brothers Humboldt in the care of their emotionally distant mother. She had high ambitions for Alexander and his older brother Wilhelm, hiring excellent tutors, who were Enlightenment thinkers, including Kantian physician Marcus Herz and botanist Carl Ludwig Willdenowalexander the great essay, who became one of the most important botanists in Germany.

Due to his youthful penchant for collecting and labeling plants, shells, and insects, Alexander received the playful title of "the little apothecary". Heyne and anatomist J. At the University of Göttingen, alexander the great essay, Humboldt met a Steven Jan van Geuns, a Dutch student of medicine, with whom he travelled to the Rhine in the fall of and met in Mainz Georg Forstera naturalist who had been with Captain James Cook on his second voyage, alexander the great essay.

Banks also mobilized his scientific contacts in later years to aid Humboldt's work. Humboldt's passion for travel was of long standing, alexander the great essay.

Humboldt's talents were devoted to the purpose of preparing himself as a scientific explorer. With this emphasis, he studied commerce and foreign languages at Hamburgalexander the great essay, geology at Freiberg School of Mines in under A.

Wernerleader of the Neptunist school of geology; [29] from anatomy at Jena under J. Loder ; and astronomy and the use of scientific instruments under F. von Zach and J. During this period, his brother Wilhelm married, but Alexander did not attend the nuptials.

Humboldt graduated from alexander the great essay Freiberg School of Mines in and was appointed to a Prussian government position in the Department of Mines as an inspector in Bayreuth and the Fichtel mountains, alexander the great essay.

Humboldt was excellent at his job, with production of gold ore in his first year outstripping the previous eight years. He opened a free school for miners, paid for out of his own pocket, which became an unchartered government training school for labor. He also sought to establish an emergency relief fund for miners, aiding them following accidents. Humboldt's researches into the vegetation of the mines of Freiberg led to the publication in Latin of his Florae Fribergensis, accedunt Aphorismi ex Doctrina, Physiologiae Chemicae Plantarumwhich was a compendium of his botanical researches.

Goethe had developed his own extensive theories on comparative anatomy. Working before Darwin, he believed that animals had an internal force, an urformthat gave them a basic shape and then they were further adapted to their environment by an external force.

Humboldt urged him to publish his theories. Together, the two discussed and expanded these ideas. Goethe and Humboldt soon became close friends. Humboldt often returned to Jena in the years that followed, alexander the great essay.

Goethe remarked about Humboldt to friends that he had never met anyone so versatile. Humboldt's drive served as an inspiration for Goethe. InHumboldt returned to Jena for three months. During this time, Goethe moved from his residence in Weimar to reside in Jena. Together, Humboldt and Goethe attended university lectures on anatomy and conducted their own alexander the great essay. One experiment involved hooking up a frog leg to various metals. They found no effect until the moisture of Humboldt's breath triggered a reaction that caused the frog leg to leap off the table.

Humboldt described this as one of his favorite experiments because it was as if he were "breathing life into" the leg. During this visit, a thunderstorm killed a farmer and his wife. Humboldt obtained their corpses and analyzed them in the anatomy tower of the university. InAlexander the great essay was admitted to the famous group of intellectuals and cultural leaders of Weimar Classicism.

Goethe and Schiller were the key figures at the time. Humboldt alexander the great essay 7 June to Schiller's new periodical, Die Horena philosophical allegory entitled Die Lebenskraft, oder der rhodische Genius The Life Force, or the Rhodian Genius. In andHumboldt was in Vienna ; in he made a geological and botanical tour through Switzerland and Italy. Although this service to the state was regarded by him as only an apprenticeship to the service of science, he fulfilled its duties with such conspicuous ability that not only did he rise rapidly to the highest post in his department, but he was also entrusted with several important diplomatic missions.

Neither brother attended the funeral of their mother on 19 November must be particularly welcomed by you". Humboldt was able to spend more time on writing up his research. He had used his own body for experimentation on muscular irritability, recently discovered by Luigi Galvani and published his results, Versuche über die gereizte Muskel- und Nervenfaser Berlin, Experiments on Stimulated Muscle and Nerve Fibresenriched in the French translation with notes by Blumenbach.

With the financial resources to fund his scientific travels, he sought a ship on a major expedition. Meantime, he went to Paris, where his brother Wilhelm was now living.

Paris was a great center of scientific learning and his brother and sister-in-law Caroline were well connected in those circles. Louis-Antoine de Bougainville urged Humboldt to accompany him on a major expedition, likely to last five years, but the French revolutionary Directoire placed Nicolas Baudin at the head of it rather than the aging scientific traveler. He had already selected scientific instruments for his voyage.

He did, however, have a stroke of luck with meeting Aimé Bonplandthe botanist and physician for the voyage. Discouraged, the two left Paris for Marseilleswhere they hoped to join Napoleon Bonaparte in Egypt, alexander the great essay North Africans were in revolt against the French invasion in Egypt and French authorities refused permission to travel.

Humboldt and Bonpland alexander the great essay found their way to Madridwhere their luck changed spectacularly. In Madrid, Humboldt sought authorization to travel to Spain's realms in the Americas; he was aided in obtaining it by the German representative of Saxony at the royal Bourbon court. Baron Forell had an interest in mineralogy and science endeavors and was inclined to help Humboldt.

For Humboldt "the confluent effect of the Bourbon revolution in government and the Spanish Enlightenment had created ideal conditions for his venture". The Bourbon monarchy had already authorized and funded expeditions, with the Botanical Expedition to the Viceroyalty of Peru to Chile and Peru —88New Granada —New Spain Mexico —and the Malaspina Expedition — These were lengthy, state-sponsored enterprises to gather information about plants and animals from the Spanish realms, assess economic possibilities, and provide plants and seeds for the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid founded When Humboldt requested authorization from the crown to travel to Spanish America, most importantly, with his own financing, it was given positive response.

Spain under the Habsburg monarchy had guarded its realms against foreigner travelers and intruders. The Bourbon monarch was open to Humboldt's proposal.

Spanish Foreign Minister Don Mariano Luis de Urquijo received the formal proposal and Humboldt was presented to the monarch in March With Humboldt's experience working for the absolutist Prussian monarchy as a government mining official, Humboldt had both the academic training and experience of working well within a bureaucratic structure. Before leaving Madrid inHumboldt and Bonpland visited the Natural History Museumwhich held results of Martín Sessé y Lacasta and José Mariano Mociño 's botanical expedition to New Spain.

Armed with authorization from the King of Spain, Humboldt and Bonpland made haste to sail, taking the ship Pizarro from A Coruñaon 5 June The ship stopped six days on the island of Tenerifewhere Humboldt climbed the volcano Teideand then sailed on to the New World, landing at CumanáVenezuelaon 16 July.

The ship's destination was not originally Cumaná, but an outbreak of typhoid on board meant that the captain changed course from Havana to land in northern South America. Humboldt had not mapped out a specific plan of exploration, so that the change did not upend a fixed itinerary.

He later wrote that the diversion to Venezuela made possible his explorations along the Orinoco River to the border of Portuguese Brazil. With the diversion, alexander the great essay, the Pizarro encountered two large dugout canoes each carrying 18 Guayaqui Indians.

The Pizarro ' s captain accepted the offer of one of them to serve as pilot. Humboldt hired this Indian, named Carlos del Pino, as a guide. Venezuela from the 16th to the 18th centuries was a relative backwater compared to the seats of the Spanish viceroyalties based in New Spain Mexico and Peru, but during the Bourbon reforms, the northern portion of Spanish South America was reorganized administratively, with the establishment of a captaincy-general based at Caracas.

A great deal of information alexander the great essay the new jurisdiction had already been compiled by François de Pons, but was not published until Rather than describe the administrative center of Caracas, Humboldt started his researches with the valley of Aragua, where export crops of sugar, coffee, cacao, and cotton were cultivated.

Cacao plantations were the most profitable, as world demand for chocolate rose, alexander the great essay. Investigating evidence of a rapid fall in the water level of valley's Lake Valencia, Humboldt credited the desiccation to the clearance of tree cover and to the inability of the exposed soils to retain water.

With their clear cutting of trees, the alexander the great essay were removing the woodland's "threefold" moderating influence upon temperature: cooling shade, evaporation and radiation. Humboldt visited the mission at Caripe and explored the Guácharo cavernwhere he found the oilbirdwhich he was to make known to science as Steatornis caripensis. Also described the Guanoco asphalt lake as "The spring of the good priest" " Quelle alexander the great essay guten Priesters ".

He proceeded with Bonpland to Caracas where he climbed the Avila mount with the young poet Andrés Bellothe former tutor of Simón Bolívaralexander the great essay, who later became the leader of independence in northern South America.

Humboldt met the Venezuelan Bolívar himself in in Paris and spent time with him in Rome. The documentary record does not support the supposition that Humboldt inspired Bolívar to participate in the struggle for independence, but it does indicate Bolívar's admiration for Humboldt's production of new knowledge on Spanish America. In FebruaryHumboldt and Bonpland left the coast with the purpose of exploring the course of the Orinoco River and its tributaries.

This trip, which lasted four months and covered 1, alexander the great essay, miles 2, km of wild and largely uninhabited country, had an aim of establishing the existence of the Casiquiare canal a communication between the water systems of the rivers Orinoco and Amazon.

Although, unbeknownst to Humboldt, this existence had been established decades before, [55] his expedition had the important results of determining the exact position of the bifurcation[18] and documenting the life of several native tribes such as the Maipures and their extinct rivals the Atures several words of the latter tribe were transferred to Humboldt by one parrot [56].

Around 19 MarchHumboldt and Bonpland discovered dangerous electric eelswhose shock could kill a man. To catch them, locals suggested they drive wild horses into the river, which brought the eels out from the river mud, alexander the great essay, and resulted in a violent confrontation of eels and horses, some of which died.

Humboldt and Bonpland captured and dissected some eels, which retained their ability to shock; both received potentially dangerous electric shocks during their investigations.

The Greatest Speech in History? Alexander the Great \u0026 The Opis Mutiny

, time: 7:39

Political and Cultural Impact of Alexander the Great's Conquests - Words | Essay Example

alexander the great essay

Wait the great teacher Death; and God adore! What future bliss, he gives not thee to know, An Essay on Man: Epistle I By Alexander Pope About this Poet The acknowledged master of the heroic couplet and one of the primary tastemakers of the Augustan age, British writer Alexander Pope was a central figure in the Neoclassical movement of the Hamlet action vs inaction essay. How to write a narrative essay about covid 19, essay about vietnam war essay on national fruit in hindi, essay confidentiality statement. Essay beginning argumentative essay topics on autism natural resources issues essay. Aug 05,  · Alexander III of Macedonia, commonly referred to as Alexander the Great, exhibited military genius, great courage, and lasting cultural impact during his reign as a king. He was born in Pella in B.C. and until his premature death at the age of 33 years in B.C. Alexander the Great’s impact on the world was of great significance, and he

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