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Mellon-CES Dissertation Completion Fellowships – Council for European Studies
To be eligible to apply for any of the CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowships, applicants must meet three primary criteria. Students who have already engaged in extensive field work and study in Europe related to their dissertation are not eligible. Second, applicants must be in the exploratory, early stage of their research.
Third, applicants must not have completed the majority of their doctoral coursework, council for european studies pre dissertation.
Additionally, certain CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowships are restricted to students with relationships to specific partner institutions.
Odds are, yes! CES funds projects related to Europe broadly defined, including areas such as Turkey, the UK, Russia and Eastern Europe, and Iceland. In the past, CES has even sponsored research pertaining to colonial topics, as long as Europe is a central component of the project. You can see a list of past awardees here. If you are still unsure if your research is eligible, contact CES directly for clarification.
Not necessarily. Moreover, applicants may have begun exploratory research for their dissertation, but they are not required to have had their dissertation proposals formally approved.
This is not a prerequisite, council for european studies pre dissertation. Nevertheless, if you have such an invitation or affiliation, please note it in your application. Council for european studies pre dissertation is no strict requirement for the CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowships awarded each year. The Fellowship Committee takes a broad interpretation of European Studies, setting no specific parameters regarding period or discipline.
Thus, applicants of all disciplines pursuing research relevant to European Studies are encouraged to apply. This is conditional upon the nature of the research proposal.
If the applicant is a native English speaker traveling to Ireland, then proof of foreign language competency is not necessary. In order to complete your application for a CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowship you will have to submit the online application form, council for european studies pre dissertation, which includes a 2,word narrative on the nature and purpose of your research project.
Also, you will have to request that your three 3 faculty recommenders submit a copy of their recommendations via our online submission link. If proof of language competency is required in order to undertake your proposed research, you will also have to see to it that a faculty member familiar with your language skills completes the Language Competency form, also available on our website. All forms must be submitted electronically. CES will not contact them otherwise, unless their submission is late.
All footnotes, endnotes and bibliographical material are included in the 2,word limit. Please note that as this is a narrative statement, CES prefers that applicants submit a very short bibliography or none at all. The research abstract should be a short description of your proposed dissertation topic. The longer narrative statement explains your research plans, including where you propose to do research, why your research is important, how the work is unique, how the proposed funded council for european studies pre dissertation fits in with your dissertation work, etc.
Applications via post or by hand are not accepted. Every part of your application, including recommendations, council for european studies pre dissertation, must be submitted to CES electronically.
CES will not accept any materials received by other means. Applications are evaluated by a committee whose members represent a range of disciplines and institutions. CES will not field requests for the status of individual applications. All applicants who have submitted applications by the February 1 deadline will be notified if their application is incomplete by February If you have submitted an application and do not receive notification by that date, council for european studies pre dissertation assume your application is complete or contact CES at awards ces-europe.
org if you have concerns. Funding will be made available immediately upon formal acceptance of the award. Assistantships are viewed as a form of earned income rather than aid and will not be deducted. Fellowship funding must cover a research period of at least two consecutive months and must be used before the end of the calendar year in which the money is awarded.
Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship FAQs. Eligibility Questions. Our Sponsors.
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, time: 11:01Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship FAQs – Council for European Studies

Christopher Bowen (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Music History) “We Shall Remain Faithful: The Village Mode in Czech Opera, ” Paula Burleigh (City University of New York, Graduate Center, Art History) “The Labyrinth, the Monolith and the Cave: Archaic Forms in Utopia Projects in Europe, ” IMSISS Placement and Research Program. The mission of the Council for European Studies (CES) is to produce, support, and recognize outstanding, multi-disciplinary research on Europe through a wide range of programs and initiatives. These include fellowships, grants, publications, awards, conferences and meetings, public lectures and symposia, as well as direct research and artistic collaboration Agenda Publishing. IMSISS Placement and Research Program. The Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE) and the Council for European Studies (CES) invite eligible graduate students with a focus on European Anthropology to apply for the Anthropology of Europe Pre-Dissertation Fellowship. The SAE is the section of the American Anthropological Association that promotes the Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
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