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As a key species, it takes a central position in the Southern Ocean food web by channeling energy from lower trophic levels to higher predators like penguins, seals and whales. This daily movement of a large biomass has profound effects on its predators and biogeochemical master thesis jobs europe. While the ecological meaning of DVM a trade-off between feeding and predation risk seems obvious, the underlying mechanism that is driving the migration on a daily scale remains unclear.
However, in-situ observations of krill behavior are contrasting and show a strong variability of the DVM pattern, i. with cases where DVM is completely reversed. In addition, the strong change in day length photoperiod over the course of the year further modulates master thesis jobs europe krill behavior on a seasonal scale.
As part of a larger project investigating rhythms in krill on different scales, seven months of continuous acoustic observations of krill swarms were recorded from a krill fishery vessel, operating around the Western Antarctic Peninsula and the South Orkney Islands. Tasks The project aims to use acoustic recordings of krill vertical distribution from the field to quantify different aspects of krill behavior in relation to daily and seasonal fluctuations in light as well as other factors, like the presence of large predators e.
These analyses will help to increase the understanding of krill behavior and its variability and potential effects on the whole krill-based ecosystem. We can offer a variety of interdisciplinary tasks and datasets to work with e. quantifying whale master thesis jobs europe, modelling underwater light fields with spectral resolution, modelling of seasonal light cycles, photosensitivity of krill eyes and krill physiology and are open to further discuss and develop the study together with the candidate.
Good skills in R, Python or another relevant programming language Good quantitative skills data handling, master thesis jobs europe, data analysis Finding creative solutions for analyzing different types of data General interest in Southern Ocean and marine ecology as well as computational methods.
Further Information You are interested? You are interested? Please send your application including a brief statement of your research interests and relevant skills via email to lukas. hueppe awi. master thesis jobs europe and dominik. bahlburg ufz. This research center is part of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers.
EURAXESS offer ID: Posting organisation offer ID: The responsibility for the jobs published on this website, including the job description, lies entirely with the publishing institutions. The application is handled uniquely by the employer, who is also fully responsible for the recruitment and selection processes.
Please contact support euraxess. org if you wish to download all jobs in XML, master thesis jobs europe. Skip to main content. This site requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Alfred Wegener Institute - Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research AWI. Computer science. First Stage Researcher R1. Requirements Good skills in R, master thesis jobs europe, Python or another relevant programming language Good quantitative skills data handling, data analysis Finding creative solutions for analyzing different types of data General interest in Southern Ocean and marine ecology as well as computational methods Further Information You are interested?
de This research center is part of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers. More Information Additional Information. Work location s. Print this offer. Disclaimer: The responsibility for the jobs published on this website, including the job description, lies entirely with the publishing institutions. Please login to access this functionality.
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