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Political essays

Political essays

political essays

Aug 05,  · The political barriers that prevented individuals from coming into direct contact with one another were broken. For instance, the Greeks and the Babylonians were able to see eye to eye since they were now regarded as one empire, and their different ideas no longer stayed within the confines of The best political articles and essays -- Short articles and essays on politics by the world's best writers. tetw. Home Great Articles & Essays Best of Great Books By Subject By Author. Greats Best of By Subject By Author. Essays about Life Essays about Death This course is intended as an introduction to political philosophy as seen through an examination of some of the major texts and thinkers of the Western political tradition. Three broad themes that are central to understanding political life are focused upon: the polis experience (Plato, Aristotle), the sovereign state (Machiavelli, Hobbes

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Alexander III of Macedonia, political essays, commonly referred to as Alexander the Great, exhibited military genius, great courage, and lasting cultural impact during his reign as a king. He was born in Pella in B. and until his premature death at the age of 33 years in B. His short-lived reign began in B. when his political essays, Philip II of Macedon, was assassinated. The teachings of the famous Greek philosopher, political essays, Aristotle, greatly influenced his life.

When his father died, Alexander inherited a strong kingdom and political essays experienced army.

Coupled with his tactical ability and skills in military conquestshe was successful to conquer much of what was then the civilized world. The political and cultural impacts of these conquests lasted for centuries. Due to many territories that he conquered, the dominion that Alexander the Great had was regarded as one of the greatest in the history of the world, political essays. Through these conquests, he managed to bring together Greece, Egypt, and the Middle East to form one culture referred to as the Hellenistic civilization.

The ideals of the new Hellenistic culture tremendously changed the world even after his death. As his biography states, political essays, during the reign of his father, Alexander assisted him in conquering Greece.

This experience led to the cavalry during the Battle of Chaeronea, which was one of the critical victories for Philip. The Persians were controlling most of the known world at that time, including Egypt.

However, political essays, he was political essays yet contented with the victories, political essays, and he proceeded further to the east.

He continued to push as far east as Pakistan and India. In B. Before his sudden demise two years later, political essays, he started making plans for his new empire and prospects of making it larger, political essays. Still, even though his vast empire started to fall soon after he died, Alexander had left a significant political and cultural impact, which was able to transform the world. Political essays the Greeks, he had increased their territorial boundary four times.

Since many Greeks had gone with him to the campaigns in Pakistan and India, on coming back, they started to open their thoughts to the big world around them. Therefore, they paid less attention to their poleis since they saw themselves not merely as citizens of a polis, but as individuals. As a result, many of them were no longer interested in what they were required to do to assist their polis.

Increased interest in what they could carry out to gain personal wealth or happiness became more prevalent. The hunt for individual contentment resulted in the formation of other philosophies. These included Stoicism and Epicureanism philosophies. Additionally, political essays, Alexander was also known for playing a significant role in the spreading of Greek culture across the known world Lucas, This was to make sure that the culture would continue influencing the lives of people for a long time to come.

For political essays, on many occasions, he compelled the Greeks and the Persians to marry one another. Moreover, he also political essays the construction of new cities, political essays, which made many people migrate to them in seeking better lives. Various professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, and engineers, came from across the empire because of the employment opportunities that had been created.

A number of these cities, once constructed, contained a considerable collection of various books. This resulted in more education opportunities to be created, and thus more individuals flocked these cities. As students and scholars from different parts of the world met in these cities, political essays, they were able to learn from one another.

An example is the city of Alexandria in Egypt, which was renowned for its vast collection of literary materials. Therefore, as more and more cities were built, individuals of various origins and nationalities converged in these cities. As anticipated, through contact with one another, these individuals spread their cultural ideas and embraced some other different cultural views. This cultural exchange was possible because Alexander conquered most of the world and formed an empire that enabled the free movement of people from one place to another.

His conquests ensured that he brought down regimes that did not permit the free flow of information. The political barriers that prevented individuals from coming into direct contact with one another were broken.

For instance, the Greeks and the Babylonians were able to see eye to political essays since they were now regarded as one empire, and their different ideas no longer stayed within the confines of their nations. Due to the creation political essays the common culture by Alexander, individuals were now able to make long-distance voyages without the panic of entering a hostile country.

Therefore, ideas were now spreading at a faster rate than before, and knowledge was more accessible. This made renowned scholars, for example, political essays, mathematicians Pythagoras and Euclid, to start dedicating political essays in specific areas of learning.

This is because Alexander brought down the political barriers that had previously impaired trade activities in the area. For instance, the Persians never wanted to engage with the Greek in any form of trade. Since he tore down these barriers, trade was able to flourish once again. On coming back home, they brought with them the craving for these new products.

Political essays, traders all over the Middle East took advantage of the market that had been created. In addition, the introduction of a common currency all political essays the kingdom by the young king facilitated trade activities.

As a final point, political essays, the long-lasting consequences of the common culture that Alexander had formed were instrumental to the advancement of Christianity. Since there was a common language, the followers of Jesus were now able to spread the Gospel to political essays places in political essays region without being constrained by language barriers.

The Hellenistic culture contributed to the universality of Christianity since the disciples were now able to tell the story of Jesus to an increased number of political essays. It can be said that he single-handedly created the Hellenistic culture.

The Middle East region was united political essays of political essays efforts that he made. The common culture that he had formed enabled individuals of various cultural backgrounds to meet and exchange beneficial ideas. During this time, knowledge advanced, political essays.

The works of various Hellenistic intellectuals, political essays, especially those of Pythagoras and Euclid, political essays, are still significant in the current academic world, political essays. He changed their polis-driven approach to life with the desire to seek for personal happiness. The Greek trade thrived mainly because of political essays efforts. By extending the Greek culture to other regions, he kept it future generations.

Lastly, the universal language that he promoted contributed to more people joining the Christian faith. Consequently, Alexander the Great made a significant contribution to shaping the culture of the world. Lucas, political essays, Henry S. A short history of civilization. New York: McGraw-Hill, Speake, Jennifer. Literature of Travel and Exploration. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online.

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Essays, Moral and Political by David Hume

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Political and Cultural Impact of Alexander the Great's Conquests - Words | Essay Example

political essays

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